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Read about the latest events or publications from Guan Lab team members. We have some exciting research and collaborations happening right now.


Michael's recent paper "Multi-step assembly of an RNA-liposome formulation revealed by real-time, single-particle quantitative imaging" was published in Advanced Science! Congrats Michael!



Om's recent paper "Reversible light-responsive protein hydrogel for on-demand cell encapsulation and release" was published in Acta Biomaterialia! Congrats Om!



Guan Lab welcomes Lydia Jiang as a new postdoc! 



Guan Lab welcomes Kevin (Kun) Li as a new graduate student! 



Some undergrad alumni news!

-Alen, who has worked with Michael, is going to Carnegie Mellon for Physics.

-Jewel, who also worked with Michael is attending UT for Physics

-Juan who worked with Travis is going to University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign for Physics. 

-Vivian is going to the University of Miami Medical School.

-Abdul is going to Cornell!

-Reagan is going to UT Southwestern for med school!

Way to go everyone! We are so proud!



We have officially moved to Texas- Go Longhorns! Right now we are busy getting the lab set-up and look forward to getting back to work. Austin is a beautiful city, and the UT campus is amazing! We are excited about this new opportunity at the University of Texas at Austin.



The Guan Lab is moving! Dr. Guan and her team are moving to the University of Texas at Austin in January of 2024. We are excited with the new opportunities and will update the contact information page as soon as we are settled into the new lab facility.



Congratulations to our undergraduate student Alen Zacharia who won Best Overall Poster award at a recent physics department symposium.



Congratulations to Jiawei Dong who has been selected to attend the Advancing Graduate Leadership Conference for Graduate Women and Gender Minorities in Physics Conference August 4-5, 2022.


We also want to  congratulate Vivien Nguyen who received the Bristol Myers Squibb Science Scholarship.


Congratulations to Jiawei Dong who has been selected to receive the Center for Condensed Matter Sciences (CCMS) graduate fellowship this summer.


We also want to  congratulate Reagan McGinley who was accepted into the UF Health Cancer Center Scholars Program.


Michael Chung presented his research topic "High-resolution imaging of the assembly of liposome nanoparticles for mRNA-based vaccine and immunotherapy" at the NanoFlorida 2022 International Conference and won the Best Oral Presentation Nano-Medicine award.


Congratulations to Kyle Scheller who was accepted into the University of Florida's Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences.


Jewel Ashbrook, an undergraduate mentored in Guan Lab via an NSF-funded REU summer program, was accepted to present a poster at the 2022 BPS Meeting in San Francisco! She was also selected as a recipient of a travel award. 


Congratulations to Michael Chung who won best Nano-Medicine poster at the Nanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering Technology (NIMET) event on October 11, 2021.

Alen Poster April 28 2023.HEIC

Best Poster

Congratulations to Alen Zacharia for winning the Best Overall Poster award at a recent physics department undergraduate presentation symposium on April 28, 2023 . His poster title: is “Data-driven model discovery with parameterized basis terms” 

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Best Presentation

Congratulations to Michael Chung who won best Oral Presentation for Nano-Medicine at the Nanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering Technology (NIMET) NanoFlorida 2022 convention on April 16, 2022.

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Best Nano-Picture

Congratulations to Michael Chung who won best Nano-Micrograph photo at the Nanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering Technology (NIMET) event on October 11, 2021.

Laboratory Scientist

Join our team!

We are looking for some postdocs and students to join our amazing team! If interested, please contact Dr. Juan Guan.

All photographs and videos are the property of Guan Lab.                                          © 2024 by Guan Lab

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